Monday, 24 November 2008
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
31 Grimey 140
I bet you thought the blog was dead, Ill be dropping more beats on here.
Friday, 29 February 2008
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
New Name?
Also , I have been slacking with the updates recently, just been busy and when I've not been busy I've just been lazy :D
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Cassette Playa - Fasion Designer
Mundane has worked with M.I.A, the British female rapper nearly banned from America for thought crime and New Rave banner wavers the Klaxons. Both have been dressed by and had videos styled by Carri Mundane. She is also Contributing Fashion Editor of SuperSuper, i-D stylist / contributor and recently collaborated with Nicola Formichetti for Dazed & Confused.
Ben Reardon, the editor of i-D says "Cassette Playa is Nando's, it's grime, it's dang, it's nang, it's day realness, it's major brappage. Fo' sheezy, Cassette Playa delivers both mental and physical vitality while supporting the immune system. It just, you know, feels MODERN." That's so word.
(JME joined up with Carri 'Cassette Playa' Mundane who's a massive BBK fan and modeled some of her new collection.)
Her website is if you want to buy her stuff. (warning : the website looks like its on lsd)
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Apple Launching Record Label With Jay-Z

At the moment this is just a rumor, but if it is true it could be huge news. Remember where you heard it first :D.
Click here to read the full story
Monday, 7 January 2008
Headphones created by Dr. Dre
Legendary producer Dr. Dre is releasing a pair of headphones called 'Beats'. The $400 headphones will feature "rich deep bass—a Dr. Dre trademark. Dre says "When I'm making a track I'm trying to capture the sound that makes me go 'now THAT's the shit! And I want that reaction from everybody who hears it. I spend a lot of time in the studio listening to my music through headphones...with Beats, people are finally going to hear it the way they should: the way I do." Read the full article here.
Grime Mixtape - Lee Brasco - Drastic Measures Volume 1

Lee Brasco is a talented mc from Bow e3, being the good guy he is, he has put a FREE mixtape out there for you to download.
(Ive got an instrumental on there too :D)
1. Shower Kids
2. Brand New Ft Dillusion
3. Smoking Cigerettes
4. My Diary
5. Garage DVD's
6. On the Block Ft Dillusion & Tinchy
7. Sweet Dreams
8. For the Game Ft Slix
9. Zeebreezy (instrumental)
10. Aunt Jennifer
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Jay-Z - American Gangster [Acappella] + Jay-Z & Marvin Gaye
Theres alot of remix's already out there, and probably many more to come. One that I think is EXCELLENT. Even better than the original in my opinion is [Mick Boogie presents Jay-Z and Marvin Gaye: Brooklyn Soul]. VERY SICK, Jay-Z over Marvin Gaye samples. Produced by [Shuko & The Gunna]. Its FREE to download at

Record And Promote Your Own Album by Sarika Kabra
If you are a beginner in home recording, you must follow certain guidelines to be successful. Even if you intend to just create a simple musical record and not go for serious recording, there are certain rules that you always need your attention. One of the points most stressed by exceptional recording engineers is that your music should sound good on microphone. Before recording any music, make sure all your musical instruments are working at their best so that there may not be too much editing later on. Of course, it also means that your microphones must be of top quality and placed properly in front of the source.
Another often overlooked aspect of amateur music recording is that the work is not saved frequently enough. Can you imagine the heartache of the person who has given his all to record that wonderful piece of music only to realize that it was lost due to a minor oversight? You definitely do not want to lose a great recording that you have worked hours on. You should not only save your work between takes, but also copy every recording on a back up tape. This is standard advice to most programmers in software companies and it holds true for digital music recording as well.
Yet another mistake sound recorders make is to make the music very complicated by overdoing the engineering. A good music recorder is one who wants to preserve the actual beauty of the music and does not impose unnecessary external effects on it. Once you have recorded the music, the real work begins. You will now have to duplicate your record, distribute it as much as possible and promote it extensively to make monetary profits. You can do this by getting a good CD duplication service. You can look up on the web and find the ones that offer the best deals to save money. After you have finished making multiple copies you will have to worry about distributing them.
Since your label is not a known one, distribution might become a problem without adequate marketing. For this, you will have to do a lot of research and find record stores that keep independent labels. They may have to pay small fees to distribution companies before your CDs make it to the music stores. You can get a lot of information about this from the MusicianĂ¢€™s Atlas which is published yearly. Another option is to sell your records on line.
Finally, you have to deal with the promotion of your music. This is one of the easiest parts of music recording, as Internet has proved to be a great medium for free publicity. People will automatically download music they love and all you have to do is to make them love your number. You can go for MySpace, YouTube and many other such sites and post your music. Alternatively, you can publicize your record by paying the promotional sites or music publications.
Thus, do not let your dreams of recording your own album die in your heart. If you can create good music and are not wary of some enthusiastic promotions, you will certainly reach the iPods of millions of music lovers soon.
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Blackaneze's UK Music News
Here I will put up information about the UK music scene. Also information about how to make music and other interesting stuff that I find.
About me : Im a 20 year old music producer living in London. I go by the name Zee Breezy or Blackaneze. Add me on