Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Tats gone wrong

Monday, 27 July 2009

Meleka - Go (VIDEO)

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Bruce Swedien talks about recording Michael Jackson, Seattle 1993

Wow, sick, your reaction should hopefully be the same

Blackaneze note: I also like to record in the dark and make beats in the dark, helps me get in that zone.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Im going to my first wedding tomorrow

Mixed emotions, the first wedding I'm going to is my own mother's :S

edit: the weeding was all good,I love my mum and im happy for her. i was definitely feeling the love in the room. Marriage was something i was kinda against in a way, like whats the point, but my view is changing. I need a WIFEY! all these girls sloww me downn. The King needs A Queen, Singular.


Things to avoid:

Japanese people understand that visitors may not be aware of the intricacies of Japanese etiquette and tend to be tolerant of blunders in this regard by foreigners. There are four serious etiquette breaches, however, which will meet with universal disapproval, even when foreigners commit them, and these should be avoided at all costs:

* Don't walk on a tatami mat wearing shoes or even slippers.
* Don't blow your nose in public, even discreetly. This is considered extremely boorish.
* Don't leave your chopsticks standing upright in a bowl of rice. This is how rice is offered to the dead.
* Don't enter a bathtub without washing up first. (See Bathe for details.)

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Lily Allen Topless

This is my wifey! i'd always hoped that the first time i saw lily allen's boobs would be in private b4 a steamy romping session :( i still have hope but all (almost all) has been laid bare for the world to see

i've had a crush on lily allen for years, im gonna be in japan the at the same time as trying to law of attract some sort of meeting that would spark of an incredible romance :D ive actualli got a track on my harddrive that i started time ago , it started off as a freestyle bout lily but i want to make it into a whole track, watch out 4 that.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

My 1st Tune as an Artist

YOO, This is the first tune i've made as a recording artist, this is just a demo version. I need your guys feedback. I made the beat and the song idea came really quick. I hope you like it.

O yea and the random art and t-shirt is from Imaginary Foundation, they got some really cool t-shirts and other stuff.


Saturday, 11 July 2009

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Monday, 6 July 2009

Sunday, 5 July 2009

eyebrow weave wtf!?

Let it Out - Dubplate Drama theme

Donaeo, Double S , Wretch 32
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