Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Chat Roulette

A couple of weeks ago, my good friend and heavy produer @herbandhymn, introduced me to www.chatroulette.com. Bascially its best if you have a webcam, you go on there and chat to random ppl, yes sounds abit funky and it is, but if you've got some time to kill u'll probli be hooked for abit . warning: you might see some things on there that you don't like

Also guys, i'm on skype - just search for zeebreezy and you should be able to holla at me on there.

Cynikal - Things Change (Full Video)

This is the video for Cynikal debut single 'Things Changes" ft. Neo Joshua. Catch me in the video, Leave comment and be sure to check out Cynikal at Cynikalmusic.com for more info.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Wild Footage Caught In The Streets: Rottweiler Vicously Attacks Owner's Pitbull! (Man Pulls Out His 9mm & Shoots It Up)

Rah, americans are abit nutzo. I didn't think the Rottweiler was doing anything that bad, I got a Rottweiler and it looked like it was just playin and the man fuking shot the dog. Maddness, what do you think??

Friday, 12 March 2010

Thursday, 11 March 2010


Produced by SKITZ BEATZ - Large up fam! Skitz is doing alot this year, trust me!
Big Up the Newham Generals, they always come hard. R.I.P Esco

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Breakthru Music Blog

Check out the new Breakthru Music Blog at www.breakthrumusic.wordpress.com

The official site is coming soon! please leave us comments and if you want to be part of the team, feel free to contact us!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

iRead Books?

I'm not really a regular reader of books, but every once in a while i'll get into something. Two books i'm (attempting to read) reading right now are:


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